Now Trending: Pretty Pastels

Is anyone else already counting down the days until spring? I’ve had about enough of these 4:30 pm sunsets. It definitely affects your mood after awhile! My wardrobe could also stand to lighten up a bit. I’ve been wearing the same black peacoat pretty much every day for weeks. Classic, sure, but kind of boring. Fortunately, a lovely alternative exists in winter pastels. A cozy coat in a soft pastel shade is the perfect way to transition between the seasons – and it’s a total mood-booster! How could you possibly not have a good day when you’re wearing something so pretty?






What do you think of winter pastels? I love how they seem to make any outfit infinitely more polished and ladylike. Below are a few of my favorites…

Pretty Pastels


one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight

I’d happily add any of these babies to my closet, especially #2! It’s like something Anna Karenina might have worn. And #5 is so Olivia Pope, don’t you think?

♥ Mil

12 responses

    • Thanks Karen! Aren’t they lovely? My closet could definitely use a dose of girliness in the depths of winter.

    • Thanks Ashley! Pale pink is one of my favorites too – it’s surprising there isn’t more of it in my closet, frankly 🙂

  1. I’m a sucker for a good pastel! I definitely will be stealing some fashion inspiration from this post! Excited to read lots more from you!!! 🙂

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