Friday Favorites

Happy Friday dear friends! I’m writing this week’s round-up from my hotel room in Las Vegas. My brother and I are slowly making our way to Raleigh, North Carolina where my husband and I are relocating. This weekend we’ll be exploring Santa Fe, which I’m super excited about. Bring on the green chili! Mil’s also traveling this weekend for a friend’s birthday. We’re such jet setters (lol)! What are your plans this weekend? Clubbing Vegas style? Hanging with friends? Whatever you end up doing, have fun and enjoy this week’s round-up!


1. Before we moved, Nick and I sold almost all our furniture. So, we’ll be starting over in our new apartment with almost all new pieces. Since we’re in our 30’s now, I’d like to finally have a place that looks classy and grown-up, and not like an Ikea showroom. These tips on how to make your home look expensive are a great start.
2. Design Love Fest had a great post on adult friendships this week, with different perspectives from five different women. I definitely agree with several of the women that while it’s not necessarily harder to make friends as you get older, it is harder to develop really close friendships.
3. As someone who loves to cook, it’s crazy to me that a lot of my friends don’t really cook. I guess between after work happy hours and the Whole Foods hot bar, it’s pretty easy to get away with spending a limited amount of time in the kitchen. This post on “19 Real Food Recipes Every Gal Should Know” is a great resource for anyone who’s looking to master a few basic healthy dishes.
4. Valentine’s Day is coming up and I’m in love with these printable cards featuring rap lyrics. They’re a sassy way to share the love with the faves in your life. “Foreva, Foreva, eva?
5. I’ve been wanting to plan a couples trip with my friends in New York. Nantucket is one of a few destinations we’ve been eyeing. Design Sponge recently came out with a 24 hour guide to the city and it has me dreaming of lazy bike rides and freshly caught seafood.


10 responses

  1. Happy travels Jules! I’m sad that I didn’t get to see you before you left. I’ve been recovering from the flu (going on week 3). I’m loving this roundup, in particular the recipe one. I love how easy and straight forward everything is. I was impressed that I do most of these already. I’m definitely going to work my way through this list and reference often. 😀