Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! On a scale of 9-10, how excited are you for the weekend? The past few days have been crazy, and I’m looking forward to some much-needed relaxation time. There are three more days of Xfinity Watchathon Week left (which totally deserves national holiday status if you ask me), and I’ve got a LOT of binge watching left to do. I’m currently watching the first season of Outlander, and I am steadfastly determined to catch up on all the episodes before time runs out. Sleep is for the weak! Now let’s dive into the glorious weekend with some fun links from around the interwebs.

Friday Favorites this week include a mango margarita frosty and how to become a princess in four hours

1. I’m fascinated by personality profiling, and this app has one of the most unique takes on it I’ve ever seen. Completely different from Myers-Briggs, it’s nonetheless eerily accurate. (The Golden Girl)

2. If your ultimate dream is to pull a Grace Kelly and marry royalty, here’s your guide to becoming a princess. (NY Mag)

3. Four tantalizing little words: fresh mango margarita frosty. (How Sweet It Is)

4. Too broke to plan an international adventure? Here are some ideas for a night in that will transport you around the world. (The Everygirl)

5. Social media gurus, get your resumes ready: Queen Elizabeth II is looking for a new Head of Digital Engagement! This is your chance to hang out with the Royal Family and post a million corgi photos on Instagram…I’m guessing. (Refinery29)

Have a fabulous weekend!

♥ Mil

8 responses

    • Doesn’t it?? Mmm, I think I need to whip up a batch right now. Hope you have a lovely weekend!

    • I hear ya, girl! I’m dying to get my hands on some fresh mango and give that recipe a try. Hope you had a fabulous weekend!

  1. The Outlander series is fun! We are watching the current season. Did you read the books? What other shows do you like?

    • It’s so good! I’m caught up now and really want to sign up for Starz so I can keep watching. I haven’t read the books yet, have you? One of my friends is reading them and is totally obsessed. My current favorite tv show is the Walking Dead, but I’m always looking for new things to watch! I feel like so many of my favorite series have ended in recent years. What else are you watching right now?